Fordoun …. simply fabulous at any time of the year …
Posted on: May 31, 2017, in News
Some say we are in the height of Autumn, some think winter has hit us with a bang ….. regardless… Fordoun is beautiful during this time of the year. The avenue of Pin Oak trees as you drive off the public road is shedding its leaves at an accelerated rate. Rushing into winter. But this is where the rushing stops!
Join us for glorious warm days and very chilly nights. Snuggle next to the fire with a glass of red wine and then into your warm bed … Enjoy a spa treatment and get heat deep down into your bones… Go for a walk and generate your own body heat…. enjoying the outdoors. There are a range of accommodations on offer and entertainment for all tastes.
Very popular at the Spa is the Inkomfe Herbal Wrap. This is an exotic blend of African essences, rich in hydration and anti-aging properties. The major ingredient in the wrap is the African Potato, which has many traditional uses including treating eczemas, various skin disorders and itching. This nourishing wrap is ideal for this time of the year, to rid your body of old skin and rejuvenate and hydrate it going into winter. To prep your body to absorb as much of the African Potato wrap as possible the body wrap follows a Leonotis leonurus (Wilde dagga) body scrub …. Devine !